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Black and white thinking doesn't help you achieve fluency goals

Jul 08, 2023

💕Black-and-white thinking deprived of a grey area doesn't help you achieve fluency goals.

If you're a perfectionist🦋, it happens that your black and white thinking doesn't allow you to feel free to make mistakes? 🤨There's only space for success or failure.

You are ready to show up only when you feel 100% prepared to take action and everything is done and dusted.

But how often can you afford to get perfectly ready?
Once a week? Once a month? What if your schedule is super busy? Then you take a break from speaking English?
👀Does it serve you?
Let's see if scientific data can explain WHY it happens.

👉🏻If you are a perfectionist, you only hold space for two colors -black and white. These two get too crowded in that thinking space, causing there isn't enough room for another color - grey.

👉🏻No grey area in the thinking process is why there is no permission to hesitate and make mistakes.
I don't know about you, but for me, it makes sense.

I can relate to it, and I've just realized that it raised my curiosity. If you're on the same page with me, you feel the urge to know why it happens, and you're trying to decide whether it serves you or not.

The answer is simple - of course, it doesn't!⚡️
Having realized that is a good sign means you're on the right path to letting in some shades of grey.

💫You need to take baby steps and realize facts to achieve the fluency you wish.
I can already imagine your level of fluency once you create this unique space to tweak your perfectionism just a bit! I believe you'll rock!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
The topic seems endless, so if you can relate to it, shoot me an email- I'd love to hear from you😘

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