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How to talk about similarities and differences?

Jul 08, 2023

Aren't these baby girls cute? 💕Absolutely adorable! 💗
I have for you all the tools you need to have a smooth conversation about the girls.

1. Before you dive in, take a look at these language vitals that will add value to your fluency and impress your interlocutor:
💫striking - unusual, attracting a lot of attention
💫evident /ˈev.ə.dənt/ -obvious
similarities in
💫look alike (similar)

2. What ideas do you need to go smoothly from A to Z?
You can mention evident similarities or differences in:
🌸appearance (quite apparent in the case of monozygotic twins), 🌸personality, 🌸interest, 🌸intelligence, 🌸health, 🌸temper.

3. Vital phrases will enable you to point out similarities: 🧚🏼‍♂️both, 🧚🏼‍♂️each, 🧚🏼‍♂️similarly, 🧚🏼‍♂️likewise, 🧚🏼‍♂️in the same way, 🧚🏼‍♂️we can also see that……

4. If you need to switch to talking about differences, these links will ease the conversation: 🌼meanwhile, 🌼although, 🌼on the other hand, 🌼by contrast.

Now, you have all you need to speak👀

Imagine that you've met a mother with two lovely girls, and then you want to tell your friend more about them💕

🥳What did my students share during the last fluency session, having exactly the same tools plus my templates:

☕️One student told me this short little story (over a cup of her fancy coffee):

🧚”I immediately noticed some striking similarities in girls' appearance. They look alike, and even both have pierced ears. However, they have totally different personalities. Ana prefers to play with her toys, whereas Luna's favorite activity is playing on the little drums. Maybe it's not evident now, but she may become a musician in the future.”

🥳🥳🥳🥳 Perfect! It was time to celebrate 🎊

What would you say during the fluency meeting? I'd love to hear your voice and feel free to experiment, play with words and try different combinations😃

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