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How to sound convincing in English?

Jul 13, 2023

If you want to sound convincing, use a word that will make people want to hear what you're planning to communicate.
You’ll probably make the right choice as you've been exploring different phrases for a while, but my recommendation for you today is the word - advocate.

You need to know how to pronounce this word if you intend to sound confident.
1. You start with the "æ" sound like in 'cat.' Don't forget that you put stress on the first syllable:ˈæd 🔔
2. və - V -like a volcano 🌋followed by shwa, "ə." Some teachers call it a "lazy" sound. Why? Because it's weak and unstressed, almost skipped while speaking fast. Where can you find this reduced sound? In words such as fər, əbout, thə.
3. The last part - keɪt (the last one sounds like the name Kate)
💫Once again! /ˈæd + və +keɪt/
What does the word advocate mean? 👉🏻Support or suggest an idea of doing something.
For example, I advocate using authentic resources while exploring the language.
What do you advocate?

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