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If overthinking worked, we would already see results!

Jul 13, 2023

Are you surprised to hear that?

Will you agree that when something difficult to grasp has suddenly become transparent because we've just realized that -you feel a sigh of relief!

However, before it happens, it can cause a lot of disappointment.

Every fluency meeting is marked with the following comment: "I got stuck again because I started overthinking."

I decided to address this problem, believing that it'll help all learners who started the fluency journey.

"Why do you begin to overthink instead of keeping it simple?"

Most students blame something external, like personality or even their DNA.

They often say, "Nobody picked up the language effortlessly in my family, nor did they achieve great fluency - why should I be successful?

Or, "Speaking fluent English is so complicated. All these grammar rules, lexical items, “how to pronounce it” tricks."

[Low test scores did the job in this case, making them overthink and figure out the option that won't take off another point.]

👉🏻Or, 'I've tried so many courses, and I always quit - apparently, I don't have a flair for languages."

[Don't blame yourself. Take a look at the course curriculum - maybe it didn't serve and failed to open your mind.]

👀Different circumstances and experiences triggered these thoughts and feelings, and to get rid of them, you need to get to the root cause.

💕If overthinking sounds like something that happens to you, especially when you have a conversation in English, take your fancy gel pen and pinky powder📖 journal and note down your thoughts, memories, people who were around you and situations.

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