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How to sound convincing in English?

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2023

If you want to sound convincing, use a word that will make people want to hear what you're planning to communicate.
You’ll probably make the right choice as you've been exploring different phrases for a while, but my recommendation for you today is the word - advocate.

You need to know how to pronounce this word if you intend to sound confident.
1. You start with the "æ" sound like in 'cat.' Don't forget that you put stress on the first syllable:ˈæd
2. və - V -like a volcano followed by shwa, "ə." Some teachers call it a "lazy" sound. Why? Because it's weak and unstressed, almost skipped while speaking fast. Where can you find this reduced sound? In words such as fər, əbout, thə.
3. The last part - keɪt (the last one sounds like the name Kate)
Once again! /ˈæd + və +keɪt/
What does the word advocate mean? Support or suggest an idea of doing something.
For example, I advocate using authentic resources while exploring the language.
What do you...

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If overthinking worked, we would already see results!

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2023

Are you surprised to hear that?

Will you agree that when something difficult to grasp has suddenly become transparent because we've just realized that -you feel a sigh of relief!

However, before it happens, it can cause a lot of disappointment.

Every fluency meeting is marked with the following comment: "I got stuck again because I started overthinking."

I decided to address this problem, believing that it'll help all learners who started the fluency journey.

"Why do you begin to overthink instead of keeping it simple?"

Most students blame something external, like personality or even their DNA.

They often say, "Nobody picked up the language effortlessly in my family, nor did they achieve great fluency - why should I be successful?

Or, "Speaking fluent English is so complicated. All these grammar rules, lexical items, “how to pronounce it” tricks."

[Low test scores did the job in this case, making them overthink and figure out the option that won't take off another point.]


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Critic, criticize and critique - what's the difference?

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2023

I always say that the English language is like a beautiful ocean full of unique treasures to discover and explore.
However, I also show my incredible students that they shouldn't get discouraged if they see something ambiguous or suspicious on their voyage.

The last moment of hesitation was when one of the students meant to use the word "criticize," but what appeared in her mind was also "critic" and "critique."

She stayed focused and remembered that there was nothing wrong with being hesitant as it happens naturally.

We turned the hesitation into a challenge - it raised everyone's curiosity, and we went smoothly through the whole process.

I clarified the difference between these three words: critic, criticize, and critique.

A critic /ˈkrɪt.ɪk/ is a person who doesn't approve of your work.

Criticize /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.saɪz/ - say negative things about what you've done or said.

Critique /krɪˈtiːk/ (as a verb)- evaluate someone's work or performance, saying both positive and negative things.

I also...

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How to increase your fluency level?

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2023

The most effortless way to find out whether you are ready to impress yourself with how you speak and think in English is to list the pros and cons of the change.

What are the costs of staying on the same fluency level?
What are the benefits of taking your fluency to the next level?

While listing the costs and benefits, consider such factors as different opportunities as:

- abundance (money)
- new prospects and possibilities
- social status
- satisfaction
- development
- networking
- stagnation
- boredom
- discomfort

When you complete the lists, take a look and them and think about what else you could add there.

Then, take a break and come back with a cup of coffee to glance at the list again.
Close your eyes and make a conscious decision where you'd like to be with your fluency:-)
Are you ready for the change?

If you're ready to make a change, start with a high-quality lesson landing in your inbox:

 Join free motivational expert series

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What kind of impact can acquiring English language skills have on your life?

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2023

Acquiring English language skills can have a positive and transformative impact on your life:

  • Enhanced Career Opportunities: English is widely recognized as the global language of business and communication. English became the most spoken language in the world during the 19th century. By learning English, you can expand your career prospects by gaining international job opportunities, promotions, and collaboration with colleagues from different cultures. With the ability to communicate in English, you can open yourself to a world of endless opportunity and make a lasting impact in a global setting.
  • Access to Information, resources & higher education: The majority of online content, academic resources, and professional materials are available in English. By acquiring proficiency in English, adults gain access to a vast range of information, research papers, books, and educational materials that can support their personal and professional growth. By mastering English, adults can...
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How to talk about similarities and differences?

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2023

Aren't these baby girls cute? Absolutely adorable!
I have for you all the tools you need to have a smooth conversation about the girls.

1. Before you dive in, take a look at these language vitals that will add value to your fluency and impress your interlocutor:
striking - unusual, attracting a lot of attention
evident /ˈev.ə.dənt/ -obvious
similarities in
look alike (similar)

2. What ideas do you need to go smoothly from A to Z?
You can mention evident similarities or differences in:
appearance (quite apparent in the case of monozygotic twins), personality, interest, intelligence, health, temper.

3. Vital phrases will enable you to point out similarities: ‍both, ‍each, ‍similarly, ‍likewise, ‍in the same way, ‍we can also see that……

4. If you need to switch to talking about differences, these links will ease the conversation: meanwhile, although, on the other hand, by contrast.

Now, you have all you need to speak

Imagine that you've met a mother with two...

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Invisible sounds in English

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2023

Let's focus on these three words: 

  • reputation, 
  • argue, 
  • and value 

 in terms of their pronunciation.

Can you hear any invisible sounds there?

argue - /ar-gyoo/

value - /val-yoo/

reputation - /re-pyoo-tei-shun/

Try once again. 

Can you hear that /y/ sound?

Why is it there?

Let's clarify:-)

You'll find this invisible /y/ sound between a consonant and the sound 'oo' when you spell it with the letter 'u.'


g- is a consonant 


followed by letter 'u'

You'll find this invisible /y/ sound between a consonant and the sound 'oo' when you spell it with the letter 'u.'



l- is a consonant + followed by letter 'u'

You'll find this invisible /y/ sound between a consonant and the sound 'oo' when you spell it with the letter 'u.'



p- is a consonant + followed by letter 'u'

That's why you don't say /argu/, but you say



Instead of saying /valu/, you say /val-yoo/.

Not /reputeishun/, but ...

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Black and white thinking doesn't help you achieve fluency goals

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2023

Black-and-white thinking deprived of a grey area doesn't help you achieve fluency goals.

If you're a perfectionist, it happens that your black and white thinking doesn't allow you to feel free to make mistakes? There's only space for success or failure.

You are ready to show up only when you feel 100% prepared to take action and everything is done and dusted.

But how often can you afford to get perfectly ready?
Once a week? Once a month? What if your schedule is super busy? Then you take a break from speaking English?
Does it serve you?
Let's see if scientific data can explain WHY it happens.

If you are a perfectionist, you only hold space for two colors -black and white. These two get too crowded in that thinking space, causing there isn't enough room for another color - grey.

No grey area in the thinking process is why there is no permission to hesitate and make mistakes.
I don't know about you, but for me, it makes sense.

I can relate to it, and I've just realized that it raised my...

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Why did Cinderella try to be perfect at the ball?🫣

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2023

When the clock struck midnight, she kept running desperately to the exit door, ignoring that the glass slipper had fallen off her foot on the stair.

I can imagine how she felt leaving the prince without explaining why she was rushing to the door.

Most English learners can also relate what happened at the ball to speaking English.
Will you agree that perfectionism can destroy self-confidence, make unnecessary mistakes, and lose control over what to say or do?

It can literally cause a ripple effect. You want to overperform, looking for all these fancy words, suddenly losing the main track of what you intended to say like Cinderella lost her slipper.

If it sounds like you, the good news is that you shouldn't worry so much about it. There is an alternative solution.

Let me introduce your best teacher ever - your mistakes.

What if you accepted that your mistakes can be your best teacher? Of course, provided that you raise your awareness on how to get rid of them, you're likely to experience...

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How to talk about holiday plans?

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2023

The holiday has already started, so will you agree that it's time to brush up on some language vitals related to summer plans?

  1. How to say, "I want to relax," in a different way?

I want to .....

  •  unwind. /ʌnˈwaɪnd/
  •  lounge around /laʊndʒ/ (spend time in a relaxing way)
  •  take a breather /ˈbriː.ðɚ/ (a short rest)
  • take time out 
  • blow off steam. (get rid of strong feelings and bad energy)
  •  clear my mood or my mind.


2. Another thing!

Have you made some holiday arrangements, or they're up in the air?

Up in the air - uncertain, you haven't decided yet.


3. Talking about your summer plans, you can use the following grammar patterns:

- plan to/plan on

What are you planning to do this summer?

I'm planning to travel to New York.

I'm planning on traveling to NY.

Present Continuous

I'm flying to New York next week. (100% -you've arranged everything)

Going to

I'm going to travel to New Zealand. (you've taken some steps to set the...

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